NV Student Fall Retreat

October 9, 2015 to October 11, 2015

All Day

Mountain Meadow Ranch  View Map

RSVP online!

What: Fall Retreat
When: Friday, Oct.9 - Sunday Oct. 11th
Where: Mountain Meadow Ranch (Christopher Creek, AZ)
Cost: $70 one student. $115 two students. $140 three or more students per family.

Note: Please consider any friends that you bring as being part of your "Family." So, if you invite 2 friends, then you would only need to pay $140 for all 3 and you can pass on the savings. Finances should NEVER be a barrier to anyone coming. If you need help, there are scholarships available.


Q: What will we be doing on this retreat?
A: The retreat is designed to provide a fun (we had a blast last year!), restful, and meaningful experience. We will be spending time hanging out, playing games, listening to God's word, worshipping together, and being quiet before God in his creation.

Q: When will we leave and get back?
A: We will meet at 3PM on Friday at New Valley, and return around 3:00-4:00PM on Sunday.

Q: Where do we pay for the retreat?
A: We will be collecting payment on Sunday Oct. 4th at Large Group. If you can't make that date, you can give payment to Gray anytime.

Q: Is this camping? How rustic?
A: We will be staying in cabins with bunk beds (mattresses!). The cabins are heated and showers are available.

Email Pastor Gray with any questions.